Tuesday, October 21, 2014


After an hour of research and typing, I finally put up enough information on Kankri, found in the Pre-Scratch page. I really hope this comes in handy. If you have any suggestions, just... Lemme know!
Hey! So. Let's cut to the chase here. I'm not exactly good at making blog posts. But, there is something I am good at. And that just happens to be roleplaying. I specialize in Homestuck characters, but I do others. Why do I have a BlogSpot thingy and not a Tumblr? Well there is a good reason for that, and... actually I lied. I don't have a good reason. Just doing this for memories sake, I guess. Hah, Thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great- Ok ok no nope I am getting off track. The point of this is to give tips on characters, on roleplaying in general, and possibly give you guys some prompts? Sooo yeah. Follow me on Instagram @adam.milligan